Eggs and egg products
Eggs are among the most valuable food. Due to the high taste and nutritional quality, the optimal ratio of nutrients, digestibility, eggs and egg products are widely used in the diets of healthy people, and also for preparation of dietary dishes. Nutritional value of eggs is determined by the presence of important, well-balanced nutrients. Egg edible portion contains about 13% protein , 12% fat , as well
as essential fatty acids, lecithin, cholesterol, minerals and vitamins . Protein antitriptazu contains raw eggs, reducing the enzyme activity of gastric - trypsin involved in the digestion of proteins. As a result of decrease in its activity is reduced as a function of the excretory glands and the digestive system. Therefore, raw egg white is used as a remedy for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. As enveloping means raw egg white is used for medicinal purposes in case of poisoning. Raw egg protein acts in the intestine to vitamin - biotin, causing it to become unavailable for absorption.
Therefore, long-term daily use of raw eggs is not recommended because of the risk of occurrence of biotingipovitaminoza. Egg yolks contain 11% protein, about 11.5% lipids, 1.1% of polyunsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol - 1.5-2%. The content of phospholipids in the egg yolks - about 10%, they are generally presented in lecithin. The yolks are many choline, vitamins A, D, E, carotene and vitamin B. The raw egg yolk causes choleretic effect, so it is recommended for chronic cholecystitis and stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. The presence of egg lecithin and
cholesterol in the optimal ratio (6: 1) allows their use in the diets of patients with cholesterol metabolism disorders. Lecithin is known to stabilize lipid metabolism processes, excess reducing blood cholesterol. Therefore, despite the relatively high content of cholesterol in eggs, they are not contraindicated in patients with atherosclerosis by limiting the consumption of up to 2 - 3 pieces. in Week. Regular consumption rate for people without cardiovascular risk factors, leading an active lifestyle - 2 eggs a day. Macronutrients phosphorus presented in eggs (185 mg / 100 g), iron (2.7 mg / 100 g), calcium (55 mg / 100 g), trace elements - iodine, copper, cobalt. Eggs contain retinol (1500-2500 mg / 100 g), riboflavin 0.3-0.5 mg / 100 g), pyridoxine (1-2mg / 100 g),? -tocopherol (1.3 mg / 100 g). Compared with other food digestibility of minerals and vitamins contained in eggs, high and decreases as the heat treatment. In humans, the eggs are digested almost completely (about 97%), do not form a slag intestine.
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