Milk and dairy products

   Milk - the first human food, was born. And for a long time, this created by nature itself a unique product is its staple food. Milk contains almost the entire range of nutrients needed by the body

. With milk and dairy products the body gets a complete animal protein, milk fat, milk sugar - lactose, minerals, enzymes, immune body, trace elements and vitamins, which have a high nutritional and biological value. 
   In addition to the nutritional quality, since ancient times are also known medicinal properties of milk . As a food product used mainly cow's and goat's milk, and in some regions and sheep, camel, buffalo, deer, etc. The proteins that make up the digested and assimilated milk is better than meat protein, fish and cereals. Their digestibility is 95-97%. Therefore, milk and dairy products are the most easily digestible food, essential in baby food as well as diet diet food healthy and sick people. Milk also promotes the assimilation of other foods. The proteins in milk presents mainly casein (2.7%), whey proteins - albumin (0.4%) and globulin (0.2%).

The average fat content is about 3.5%. Milk fat has a low melting temperature
(27-34 ° C), and due to the small size of the fat particles is well absorbed and digested. Available in milk fat phosphatides and sterols contributes to the regulation of lipid metabolism. Phosphatides have anti-sclerotic effect, participating in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism, fats contribute to the correct exchange, their preventing excessive deposition in the liver.    Of the macronutrients present in milk and the calcium salt predominate fluorine fewer represented phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chlorine. The absorption of calcium and fluorine required to build and strengthen the skeleton, favors their optimal combination with milk proteins. Trace elements in milk are presented with salts of manganese, copper, iron, cobalt, iodine.
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